Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (2024)

In today’s post: These fluffy pancakes are easy to make with just seven common ingredients and they taste absolutely amazing! You’ll never used a boxed pancake mix again.

Pancakes don’t get enough credit, in my opinion. They’re super quick to whip up, ridiculously cheap to make, and work perfectly for breakfast or dinner (add some scrambled eggs and fruit and you have a pretty great meal!). Plus, if you have the right recipe (this one) they taste really, really good. They’re light, fluffy, buttery, and just plain delicious. I always have the ingredients for pancakes on hand – you probably do too! – and it’s a great way to feed a bunch of hungry kids or teens.

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Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (1)

Better than Boxed Mix

Now, for many many years I made pancakes from a boxed mix. It’s hard to beat the convenience of just stirring water into a mix…

…but it turns out that homemade pancakes only take about 5 minutes to make and they taste SO MUCH BETTER! And don’t worry, you won’t need any unusual ingredients for these, just your pantry basics:

  • flour
  • sugar
  • salt
  • baking powder
  • milk
  • large egg
  • butter

That’s it. No buttermilk, no whipped egg whites, none of that! And there’s nothing difficult about mixing it up either. These pancakes are basically foolproof. Plus they’re FLUFFY!

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (2)

How to make Fluffy Pancakes from scratch

Want to see them fluff? Just watch my video below to see them actually fluff up on the griddle. Then keep reading for the recipe and all my pancake making tips.

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Fluffy Pancake Recipe

Please note that one batch of the recipe below makes a dozen 4-5 inch pancakes or about seven 6 inch pancakes. The recipe can easily be doubled or triple (or more!) depending on how many people you are feeding. For my family of 7 we always double the recipe, even if serving with eggs and fruit.

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (3)

Let’s Make

Fluffy Pancakes

4.75 from 91 votes

Serves: 15 4 inch pancakes

Prep Time: 10 minutes mins

Cook Time: 10 minutes mins

Rate Recipe Print Recipe

These fluffy pancakes are easy to make with pantry staples and they taste absolutely amazing!


  • 1 and 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 and 1/4 cups milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp butter melted

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  • In a medium bowl, whisk together dry ingredients.

  • Whisk in milk and egg until combined. Then whisk in butter. Batter will be slightly lumpy.

  • Allow batter to rest about 10 minutes. Batter will thicken slightly. Meanwhile, heat griddle to 350 degrees F.

  • Pour out pancakes, 1/4 cup of batter each, on a hot griddle. Allow to cook until bubbles appear on the top and edges start to look dry, about 2-3 minutes.

  • Flip pancakes and cook another 2-3 minutes until golden brown on both sides. Remove from griddle and serve hot.


Note: If your batter is too thick to pour, you can thin it out with a little more milk. Next time, make sure you are not packing down the flour when you measure it out.

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: Bread

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (4)

Tips for making Perfect Pancakes

Ok, pancakes are pretty darn simple, but there are some things that will ensure they turn out perfect every time.

Make sure you are using baking powder, not baking soda. If you mix these two ingredients up, your pancakes will be way too salty, so check to make sure you are using baking powder.

Mix ingredients in this order: First whisk together the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the milk and egg to the flour mixture, and THEN stir in the melted butter. If you try to stir in the melted butter and milk in one step the cold milk can chill the butter in tiny pieces, which won’t mix into the batter evenly. And don’t mix too much – it’s totally fine for the batter to have some lumps in it.

If your batter seems too thick, add more milk. If your flour is packed down, you may end up with a batter that is too thick. But don’t worry – just add a little more milk until it’s the same consistency you see in my video.

Allow the batter to rest about 10 minutes before cooking. This will give you maximum fluffiness!

Use a measuring cup to pour out the batter. Measuring out the batter ensures your pancakes are a uniform size and doesn’t take any extra time at all. Just use the measuring cup to scoop up the batter and then pour it on the griddle. If you use a 1/4 cup measure you’ll end up with pancakes about 4 inches across, which is a great size for kids. Or you can use a 1/2 cup measure for nice big pancakes, like the ones you see in these photos.

Pour the batter straight down on the pan or griddle for circular pancakes. You do not need to pour the batter in a circle or try to smooth the batter out once it’s on the griddle; just pour it all out and let it do it’s thing.

Cook pancakes on a griddle for best results. Pancakes cook best on a nonstick electric griddle because you can control the heat and keep it at an even 350 degrees F. Griddles are also generally nonstick so you don’t need to use any cooking spray. You can absolutely cook pancakes on a large skillet on the stove, but it’s a bit harder to tell how hot your skillet actually is. Heat the skillet up on medium heat for a few moments. Sprinkle a little water on the skillet and if the water immediately dances and sizzles you know it’s hot enough to start cooking pancakes. If the pancakes are getting too dark before they are ready to flip you’ll know you need to turn the heat down a bit.

Know when it’s time to flip your pancakes, and for fluffy pancakes only flip once. Pancakes are ready to flip when they having started to puff and bubbles are forming. Wait until a couple bubbles have popped and the edges are starting to look dry (this will take 2-3 minutes on a 350 degree griddle). Flip the pancake and let it cook 2-3 more minutes – and DO NOT press it down with the spatula. If your temp is consistent you’ll have perfectly cooked pancakes that are golden brown on both sides and soft and fluffy in the middle.

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (5)


One fun thing about pancakes is that it’s easy to change them up a bit by mixing in a few extra ingredients. Here are some of our favorite variations:

  • Chocolate Chip Pancakes: You can just stir a handful of chocolate chips into the batter, but I actually prefer to pour out the pancake batter onto the griddle, then drop a few chocolate chips directly onto the pancakes and cook as directed above. This lets you evenly distribute them so you get a little chocolate in every bite! For extra chocolatey pancakes, replace a few tablespoons of the flour with baking cocoa (unsweetened cocoa powder).
  • Blueberry Pancakes: Either fold fresh blueberries into the batter or drop them onto the pancake batter once it’s been poured onto the griddle. You can use frozen blueberries in a pinch, but you should thaw and drain them first, and be aware that the juice will turn the pancakes a bit purple.
  • Banana Pancakes: Pour the batter onto the griddle and slice bananas on top, then cook as directed.
  • Nutella Supreme Pancakes: Cook pancakes as directed in the recipe, then top with a smear of nutella and sliced bananas and strawberries.
  • Very Vanilla Pancakes: Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the batter. Top with butter and maple syrup or fresh berries or jam.

How to Store/Freeze Pancakes

One thing we really love about pancakes is that they store and freeze beautifully! Allow them to cool completely, and then store them in a plastic zip top bag in the fridge for a few days. Reheat in the microwave or toaster, or place them all on a baking sheet, cover well with foil, and place them in a 200 degree oven until warmed through.

Pancakes freeze well too! To make sure they don’t stick together in the freezer you can place a small piece of parchment paper in between each pancakes and freeze them in a ziptop bag. Alternately, you can lay them out on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze until hard, and then transfer to a bag. Enjoy!

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes from Scratch {EASY!} (2024)


What ingredient in a basic made from scratch pancake batter makes pancakes fluffy? ›

Baking powder: Baking powder, a leavener, is the secret to fluffy pancakes. Sugar: Just a tablespoon of white sugar is all you'll need for subtly sweet pancakes.

What makes pancakes fluffy and helps them rise? ›

Pancakes and waffles typically both contain baking soda, which causes them to rise. As soon as the baking soda is combined with the wet ingredients (which contain an acidic ingredient, like often buttermilk), it starts producing carbon dioxide gas bubbles that cause the batter to rise.

Why are restaurant pancakes so fluffy? ›

The secret to fluffy restaurant style pancakes? Buttermilk! The acid in the buttermilk reacts to the leavening agents in the pancake batter, creating air bubbles that make the pancakes tall and fluffy. It's a simple switch that makes all the difference.

What makes pancakes fluffy, baking powder or baking soda? ›

Adding baking powder is the easiest way to make fluffy pancakes. There's more than one way to make the bubbles that make a pancake fluffy, but the easiest way is by adding a raising agent such as baking powder.

Why are my homemade pancakes not fluffy? ›

Flat pancakes are nearly always because of expired baking powder, too little baking powder for the recipe size, or too thin of a batter. How to fix flat pancakes: First, test your baking powder by adding a teaspoon of baking powder in a glass and adding a tablespoon of water or two.

What is the scientific secret of fluffy pancakes? ›

When chemical leaveners, such as baking powder, create bubbles in a cooked pancake, the gluten network traps these bubbles and allows a pancake to rise and stay fluffy yet still keep its shape.

What makes batter fluffy? ›

The lactic acid reacts with the bicarbonate in the self-raising flour to produce carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas. Bubbles of gas are caught in the batter as it cooks and this is what makes the pancake fluffy.

Can you substitute mayo for eggs in pancakes? ›

Use 3 tablespoons of mayo as an egg substitute.

How does Gordon Ramsay make his pancakes? ›

  1. Whisk the buttermilk, egg and oil together.
  2. Stir the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together in a large bowl. ...
  3. Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan over a medium heat. ...
  4. Leave to cook for 1 minute or until it has puffed up slightly and is a light golden-brown underneath.

What substance makes batter fluffy? ›

Baking Soda

It's used to chemically leaven doughs and batters when it is mixed with an acid. Combining baking soda with an acid produces a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide gas which causes the food to expand and become fluffy. Think about light and airy pancakes. That's the baking soda at work.

What is the chemistry of fluffy pancakes? ›

The liquid helps to activate the baking soda and buttermilk, creating the reaction we just covered. These bubbles will rise as you stir. As this is happening, the CO2 bubbles will be trapped by the gluten in the batter when your pancake solidifies, leading to fluffiness! Avoid mixing the ingredients too much though.

Why is pancake MiX so fluffy? ›

Stiffly whipped egg whites contain tons of tiny air bubbles that are sturdy enough to remain intact when folded into pancake batter. Once the batter goes on a hot griddle, the air bubbles expand, giving the pancakes the ideal fluffy texture.

What makes a dense pancake? ›

In pancakes, gluten forms strands that give the cake its structure. But too much gluten results in a pancake that is dense and gummy. The dry ingredients are rounded out with just a bit of sugar and malted milk powder, baking powder, salt, and baking soda.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.