Paving the road to civil war (2024)

Dave Chappelle Tells Katt Williams to ‘Stop Drawing Ugly Pictures’ of Black Comedians
Katt Williams likely was referring to the recent lawsuits filed against Diddy, claiming sexual assault. He also said that he was “canceled” for speaking out against accused pedophile Michael Jackson and convicted sex offender R. Kelly.
Williams then singled-out comedian Kevin Hart and rapper Chris “Ludacris” Bridges for scolding, referring to Hart as a studio “plant” that earned nothing. He also claimed that Ludcris had made deals with the Illuminati.
“He already had his deals when he got here! Have we heard of a comedian that came to LA, and, in his first year in LA, he had his own sitcom on network television, and had his own movie called ‘Soul Plane’ that he was leading? No, we’ve never heard of that before that person or since that person,” Williams said. “What do you think a plant is? Maybe people don’t understand the definition of these words.”
“Satan can’t create anything. That includes blessings for his people. That’s why, you know what the No. 1 job of somebody that sold their soul in Hollywood is? Is to act like it didn’t happen,”
he said.
Chappelle addressed those comments while on stage at MonDERAYS at the Hollywood Improv last Friday, knocking Williams for “painting an ugly picture” of fellow black comedians.
“What part of the game is this? He only ethered nigg*s. He didn’t say anything about any of these white boys. None of these white boys function like that,” Chappelle said of Williams. “Katt is one of the best painters in the game. So why are you drawing ugly pictures of us? Stop.”

Why Did the FBI ‘Disappear’ the Boston Bomber’s Jihadist Wife?
Katherine Russell pulled off a seeming vanishing act shortly after her husband, notorious Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed in a shootout with police days after the bloody 2013 terror attack.
But she didn’t do it alone. The Messenger has spoken to multiple sources from various U.S. government agencies who say that the FBI helped Russell go off the grid.
The widow, now 34, fled the Boston area to New Jersey with her young daughter. She remarried, though she kept in close contact with her late husband’s family while cutting off almost everyone from her old life.

Violent Jan 6 Police Officer Lila Morris Who Beat a Dying Rosanne Boyland 4 Times with Her Stick Takes the Stand THEN WHISKED OUT OF COURTROOM VIA SECRET EXIT BY FED AGENT ENTOURAGE! Read the Dirty Details!
Morris was also seen viciously brutalizing the unconscious body of Rosanne Boyland before she died on January 6th and has yet to face criminal charges for her actions. Rather, the government is using her as a “victim” to crucify Coffee, who literally tried to help rescue Boyland by holding a crutch over her body to protect her after he saw her beaten by Morris.

Vermont Resettled Somalis – Shootings Are Up 185%
As illegal aliens are allowed into the country, they often bring their culture with them which is not rooted in the Bible or the Constitution. Thus, instead of assimilating into American culture, they step in and begin to assault the people and violate the laws established in this country. The latest evidence of this is out of Vermont, where they are resettling the people of Rep. Ilhan Omar from Somalia and what we are finding out is that shootings are up 185%. I’ll bet other crimes are up as well.

‘Prewar Generation’ Must Prepare to be Called up for ‘Citizen Army’ if West Fights Russia, Warns Top British General
We are now living in the “prewar generation” and it is time to take “preparatory steps to enable placing our societies on a war footing”, Chief of the General Staff General Sir Patrick Sanders told the International Armoured Vehicles Conference in Twickenham, England, on Wednesday morning. Limited elements of the speech were trailed in the Daily Telegraph in advance, characterising them as a warning that the public faces “call-up if we go to war, military chief warns”.
The General, who is becoming known for making outspoken speeches on the need to grow the British Army to be ready to fight Russia and allegedly soon to leave the top job a year early over his public criticism of the government cutting troop numbers, has already had his speech practically disowned by the government.

Americans Are The Suspected Terrorists By This Government, Not The Illegals That They Are Responsible For Alluring Into America…
At every turn, you are asked to show an ID. This only applies to law-abiding Americans who are suspected by this government as terrorists. Yet, this does not apply somehow to the illegals.

Defense Secretary Austin Claims No Credible Evidence of Misuse of U.S. Aid in Ukraine in First Appearance Post-Hospitalization Scandal, Despite Audit Showing $1 Billion Unaccounted For (VIDEO)
The unaccounted-for arsenal includes advanced shoulder-fired missiles, sophisticated kamikaze drones, and state-of-the-art night vision devices.
These items are classified as “high-risk” due to their advanced technology and the ease with which they could be transported and potentially fall into the wrong hands.
According to the report, of nearly 40,000 arms delivered to Ukraine, a substantial proportion has not been adequately monitored.
The report added, “It was beyond the scope of our evaluation to determine whether there has been diversion of such assistance. The DoD OIG now has personnel stationed in Ukraine, and the DoD OIG’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service continues to investigate allegations of criminal conduct with regard to U.S. security assistance to Ukraine.”
Austin, however, claimed that there was no evidence of misuse regarding the weapons in question.
“The United States continues to work hard to monitor and account for U. S. Security assistance delivered to Ukraine. And we’ve seen no credible evidence of the misuse or illicit diversion of American equipment provided to Ukraine. But what we do see is Ukraine using the capabilities that we provided to defend itself against Russian aggression,” he said.

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List
According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve:
a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials,
b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,”
c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops,
d) purchased tickets to travel by bus, cars, or plane,
e) all of the above.
if you read this thread your either on the list or compiling it

1stResponderMedia obtained this wild clip 4 days ago of a Middle Eastern man appearing to issue a threat, saying “soon you’ll know who I am…”:
A migrant who illegally crossed into the United States threatened me, saying "You find out who I am very soon," simply because I asked him where he was from. These are the people @AliMayorkas @POTUS @DHSgov and @CBP are letting in.
— 1strespondersmedia (@1strespondermed) January 21, 2024
It didn’t take long for a theory to spread like wild fire that the man in the video was Movsum Samadov — an Azerbaijanian who recently served 12 years in prison for arms trafficking among other charges; though the US seems to claim he was the victim of religious persecution… I don’t know whose side of the story is true nor care because the man in the video isn’t him!
whatever the mayorks do when they finally attack, its all on Proxy biden and his master for they let them invade the country

Houston Man Files Lawsuit After Being Arrested When Facial Recognition Misidentified Him as a Robber
A 61-year-old grandfather is suing Sunglass Hut's parent company after the store's facial recognition technology mistakenly identified him as a robber. Harvey Eugene Murphy Jr. was subsequently held in jail, where he says he was sexually assaulted, according to the lawsuit.
The January 2022 robbery took place at a Sunglass Hut store in Houston, Texas, when two gun-wielding robbers stole thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise.
Houston police identified Murphy as a suspect – even though he was living in California at the time.

These Are NOT The Words Of The Illegitimate Man In The People’s White House – They Are Those Of His Predecessor (Video)
Joe Biden is a ringer. He’s a puppet put into power by a foreign entity working inside our government. The People did not elect him. However, the sad reality is that many are still supporting his alleged “nemesis” Donald Trump who promoted and pimped the experimental CONvid-1984 shot on people and continues to do so.
While I get that Biden issued unlawful mandates, which are now being corrected for many, Trump was encouraging Americans to take the bioweapon, which ultimately has killed millions and injured millions more in the US.

Border Czar Kamala: Amnesty is the Solution
Harris said, “Well, so, there is no question that our immigration system is broken, and so much so that we, as the first bill that we offered after our inauguration, was to fix the immigration system, which included what we must do to create a pathway for citizenship, and to put the resources that are needed into the border. But sadly, people on the other side of the aisle have been playing politics with this issue. The solutions are at hand. And gone are the days, sadly, where a President Bush or a John McCain understood that we should have a bipartisan approach to fixing this problem, which is a long-standing problem.”

Tucker Carlson Tells the 'Most American Story Ever' - the Rise of 'Catturd'
Now, you may know who Catturd is. He's a guy on X who's quite funny and has more than 2 million followers. He's pretty well-known. He became even more famous when Adam Kinzinger blew a gasket over a tweet he made about Ukraine that perfectly captured the crying for which Kinzinger is known. He became a guy that got under the skin of leftists simply by tweeting some funny basic truths.

Mitch McConnell Lobbies Republican Senators to Pass Secret Migration Bill
The draft bill is also being reviewed by the Senate’s Committee on Appropriations because the Biden administration wants roughly $15 billion to operate its migration program in 2024. The money is needed by Democrats to process, transport, feed, house, and hide arriving 2024 migrants –and the 6.2 million migrants already admitted— during the run-up to the 2024 election.
The extra spending can also be used to persuade Senators who do not yet support the giveaway.
Some — not a majority — of the GOP Senators are denouncing the bill, which will likely provide employers with a gusher of cheap and compliant foreign workers who can replace better-paid Americans.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Explains How Democrats Stole the 2020 Election – Look for The Gateway Pundit to Release More on This Democrat Plot in the Coming Days
Tucker Carlson: They stopped counting votes on election night.
Ken Paxton: Because what they needed to figure out was how many real votes there were so they could figure out how many mail in ballots to apply to the election. That’s what they would have done in Texas, I’m convinced.
Tucker Carlson: So you think that was fraud, right?
Ken Paxton: I have no doubt, having been through that whole process.
Tucker Carlson: It wasn’t just a water leak.
Ken Paxton: It was definitely planned. I mean, it would have happened in Texas, I promise.
Tucker Carlson: But can you just stop counting ballots on election night whenever you’re watching tv? Oh, I know.
Ken Paxton: Have you ever seen that before? Ever? For three?
Tucker Carlson: Well, you tell me. You’re the one…
Ken Paxton: I’ve never seen it before in my life. I was like, I knew it when they stopped and Trump is leading in all these states. I knew exactly what they were doing. Because there’s no way to know where those mail in ballots came. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody. There’s no way to know where those ballots came from.
Tucker Carlson: That’s not a dangerous conspiracy theory.
Ken Paxton: I watched it happen.

Biden Orders More Airstrikes Against Iran-Backed Terrorists in Iraq
U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) on Wednesday announced American forces conducted airstrikes against Kataib Hezbollah (KH), one of the largest and most aggressive Iran-backed Shiite militia groups in Iraq.
The strikes were a response to KH attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq, but the Iraqi government denounced them as American “acts of aggression.”
CENTCOM said the strikes against “KH headquarters, storage, and training locations for rocket, missile, and one-way attack UAV capabilities” were a response to attacks by the Shiite militia, including their January 20 assault on al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin described the strikes as “necessary and proportionate” in a statement on Tuesday.
“We do not seek to escalate conflict in the region. We are fully prepared to take further measures to protect our people and our facilities. We call on these groups and their Iranian sponsors to immediately cease these attacks,” Austin said.
Iraqi officials said two people were killed and two more wounded in Wednesday’s U.S. airstrikes.

Report: Michelle Obama’s Secret Plan to Replace Joe Biden for President Emerges
The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor shared an explosive story last week that Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace decrepit, unpopular Joe Biden with the younger and more popular Michelle as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. Michelle has reportedly already surveyed major Democrat donors about her potential candidacy and in 2022 allegedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City she was running.
Now, the New York Post’s Cindy Adams reveals that a secret plan has emerged to throw Old Joe under the bus. She claims it comes from “credible sources few have access to and usually not meant for the noses of the media.”
Barack has reportedly polled donors and put together a plan for Michelle, which is still being tweaked, according to Adams.

CNN Exit Poll: 70% of Nikki Haley Voters Not Registered Republicans
Of Haley voters in the Granite State, CNN said, “about 7 in 10 said they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday.”
CNN relied on an exit poll to make its shocking statement. New Hampshire’s loose requirements allow for voters to cross over, while future Republican caucuses and primaries will consist overwhelmingly of registered Republicans.
mebbe shed win if she switched teams, then she could really become her idol, killary

Positively Stunning – Nikki Haley Campaign Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley Plan Is to Use “Open Primaries” and Democrats
The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller, then openly asked Democrats to vote for her as a write-in during the general election.
What Nikki Haley is openly stating, as her intention, is filled with an equal amount of disdain for the Republican voters and off-the-charts arrogance.
Then again, like Murkowski, Nikki Haley is showcasing her DeceptiCon credentials. Haley will not accept that Republican base voters do not support her. She will use any tool at her disposal to gain power- regardless of what it is.

Exclusive–Wilcox: As Impeachment Looms, Mayorkas Finally Gives Up the Ghost
During a recent interview, Mayorkas appeared to agree with an assessment that the administration is releasing more than 70 percent of illegal aliens into the country. Mayorkas also privately told Border Patrol agents that the number of illegal aliens being released into the country was above 85 percent, according to a later report from Fox News. All of this contradicts Mayorkas’s repeated assertions that the U.S has operational control over its southern border, but it’s also very revealing about the approach Mayorkas takes to border security.
he is proud of what hes done to the country

Democrat New Hampshire Voters Admit to Voting for Nikki Haley in Republican Primary to Sabotage Trump (VIDEO)
MSNBC interviewed another Nikki Haley primary voter who will go on to vote Democrat in the general election.
“And Christian is emblematic of so many conversations I had throughout the day,” the MSNBC host said.

Exclusive: Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan Throws Support Behind Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas
In written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, exclusively obtained by Breitbart News, Morgan calls Mayorkas the “chief architect” of President Joe Biden’s “catastrophic open border policies,” which have welcomed millions of illegal aliens to the United States over the last three years.
“From day one, the Biden administration immediately began to dismantle the network of tools, authorities, and policies we had in place — it was an intentional effort to take the most secure border we had ever achieved in modern history and intentionally un-secure it,” Morgan writes:

Biden Warns Trump: "Don't Mess With Uhhiminauhwemerica"
The clip is perhaps one of the most blatant examples of how the president has rapidly cognitively declined over the last four years.
He’s literally reading it word for word from a teleprompter yet stumbles over nearly every word, most notably the word “America,” which isn’t exactly a hard one.
No wonder Democrats are so desperate to replace him on the presidential ticket.
Although Biden is clearly suffering from early onset dementia and his speaking difficulties are becoming awkwardly more apparent, it’s hard not to laugh.
And people on X did just that.

Pollak: Why Does Biden Want to Reward Hamas With a Palestinian State?
President Joe Biden continues to insist that a Palestinian state emerge at the end of Israel’s war with Hamas, despite the fact that doing so would reward Hamas for the terror attack of October 7, and encourage similar attacks — and not just against Israelis.

“The Reason You Don’t See This in the Mainstream Media Is Because It Is Extremely Damaging” – Emerald Robinson and Ivory Hecker Discuss Explosive Report on How You Can Change Results on Voting Machines (VIDEO)
Emerald Robinson: Thanks, Ivory. It’s great to see you. It’s a huge story. I’m so glad the gateway pundits did an excellent job covering it. In fact, it was a gateway pundit coverage that I cited on my own show today, the absolute. So kudos on you all for covering. Look, the reason you don’t see it in the mainstream media is because it’s extremely damning to the narrative that there was nothing wrong with the 2020 election. These machines are perfectly safe. They’re not vulnerable at all. And then you get this left wing authority, really, he’s an authority on cybersecurity and voting machines in particular.
And if you’ll recall, he used to testify before the House following the 2016 election when they were saying there was Russian hackers to talk about. That’s one of their witnesses they would use to talk about voting machine vulnerabilities. So the media cannot cover this because it obliterates their whole narrative. Remember, their tagline they constantly use when they talk about Donald Trump and his supporters and their unbased, or their unsubstantiated claims of election fraud in 2020.

Report: Germany Weighs Acceptance of Foreign Citizens into Army
A proposal to let foreign citizens serve in the German army is under consideration by Berlin. If approved, it will allow the Bundeswehr to build strength on the back of a recent announcement that conscription could return as the prospect of a grand “European army” looms on the horizon.

"Only A Matter Of Time" Before US Troops Are Killed In Iraq & Syria, Biden Officials Say
Speaking of the internal Biden administration debate, the Times report says, "They (admin officials) do not want to let such attacks go without a response, but on the other hand do not want to go so far that the conflict would escalate into a full-fledged war, particularly by striking Iran directly." However, "They privately say they may have no choice, however, if American troops are killed."
And then this surprise emphasis: "That is a red line that has not been crossed, but if the Iranian-backed militias ever have a day of better aim or better luck, it easily could be."
gee wonder what country would love for us to attack iran

AI Leaders Tell Globalist Davos Crowd that ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ Will Be ‘Better than Humans’
Top executives from major AI organizations including OpenAI, Google DeepMind, and Cohere gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the imminent approach of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its potential impacts. One CEO explained that AGI will be “better than humans at pretty much whatever humans can do.”

The Culling vs. Raffensperger Lawsuit: Evidence of Voting Machine Vulnerabilities and Fulton County 2020 Election Issues Entered into the Federal Record
During the proceedings thus far, Oles has been relatively constrained in terms of arguing Davis’s case. The co-plaintiff’s team of lawyers, led by David Cross, have gone as far as objecting to Oles during the extremely limited questioning he’s been afforded from time to time. In fact, on Monday, during the questioning of UC Berkley Professor Philip Stark, Oles was granted just two questions and some follow-up after a minutes-long sidebar between the judge and almost a dozen attorneys over whether he could ask any questions. As Oles was asking Prof. Stark about the 17,852 missing ballot images in Fulton County, Cross’s team of lawyers interrupted and questioned the relevance to the case. Judge Totenberg allowed the question.
Yesterday, just before the plaintiffs rested their case to allow the defendants to proceed, Oles was able to proffer evidence to the court from the expert witness declarations of Professors Philip Stark and J. Alex Halderman. As reported previosly by The Gateway Pundit, Dr. Halderman testified late last week and was able to hack into the Dominion ICX BMD in just five seconds using a ballpoint pen. This was a significant development in the case as the overall theme thus far has revolved around the illegality and vulnerabilities of the touchscreen BMDs. However, the case has all but ignored significant vulnerabilities in the computerized election system as a whole and has shown support for hand-marked paper ballots counted by optical scanners, as done in most election jurisdictions throughout the country.

Illegal Immigration Forcing Denver Hospital to Turn Away Patients: ‘Going to Break’ the System
In 2023, Denver Health provided about $136 million in care that it didn’t receive compensation for, CEO Donna Lynne told the Denver City Council’s finance and government committee last week. That figure includes care to people covered by Medicaid when the rates the program paid didn’t cover the full costs, she said. About $100 million of that went to people living in Denver. [Emphasis added]

Trudeau's Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional
"I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness — justification, transparency and intelligibility — and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration," wrote Justice Richard G. Mosley in his ruling.
The decision follows an application for judicial review requested by the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and various other applicants who cried foul over the use of emergency measures to quell Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa, which allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies deemed illegal by Trudeau's government.

Intrigue: J6 Committee Deleted +100 Encrypted Files Before GOP Took House Majority…

…Contained Information Used to Charge Trump in GA?
The missing files are significant because they might contain information reportedly used to prosecute former President Donald Trump in Fulton County, Georgia. Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, colluded with the committee to obtain information to prosecute Trump, Politico reported on January 10.
The partisan committee told lawmakers it lost or does not have much of the information they discovered during their January 6 hearings. Yet, if the Politico report is true, the committee gave Willis the information to prosecute Trump before deleting it.

Truth Wins Out! 8 in 10 Republican Voters in New Hampshire Believe Joe Biden Is Illegitimate President – Similar Results to Iowa
CNN also found similar results in New Hampshire as in Iowa – 8 in 10 New Hampshire Republican voters believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.
7 in 10 Republican voters in Iowa believe Joe Biden is illegitmate. Exit polling found this number was at 62%.

Houthis Launch Fresh Attack On US Maersk Vessel, Ignoring Navy Escort
ShippingWatch indicated that as a result of the attack, wherein all the crew and ships were unscathed, the ships have turned around. Maersk starting in early January suspended transit for all its ships, but the directive did not apply to its US subsidiary.
This fresh incident is hugely significant given that after some eight or more rounds of US missile attacks and airstrikes on Houthi positions, the Iran-linked group remains undeterred, even with a US Navy escort seeking to protect an American container vessel.

It Begins… Politico Urges Trump Supporters to Skip His Historic Rallies
Politico today is now urging Republicans to skip Trump rallies. They don’t think its fair that tens of thousands will come out for Trump when Old Joe can only garner a few hundred supporters to come out and see him – and many of those are paid supporters!
Millions of Americans have seen President Trump speak in the past 8 years. The elites want it to stop.

7 In 10 French Citizens Opposed To Solving Demographic Decline With Immigration
According to a CSA survey conducted for CNews, Europe 1, and Le Journal du Dimanche, 69 percent of respondents rejected using replacement through immigration as a means of injecting fresh blood into the French economy.
Upon further analysis, women (71 percent) were slightly more opposed to mass immigration than men (67 percent), and while every age group rejected the idea, elderly respondents were more firmly opposed.
A total of 56 percent of 18-24-year-olds were against using immigration to counter the declining birth rate, while 74 percent of those aged 35-49 and 70 percent of over-65s were opposed to it.
In a socio-economic breakdown, 65 percent of the most highly educated respondents were opposed, compared to 76 percent of those less qualified academically.
just another proof they teach not how to think but what to think in higher education

Chicago-Area City Councilman Issues Challenge to His Affluent Liberal Constituents: Sign Up to Open Your Homes to Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)
The situation has become so dire that socialist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has said the city is at a breaking point and is begging the Biden regime for help.
Now, Naperville, an affluent city located 28 miles west of the Windy City, is feeling the pain of illegal migration. The residents there gave Biden 62% of the vote in the 2020 Presidential Election.
But Naperville Councilman Josh McBroom has a creative plan to ensure city taxpayers will not pay to house the illegal invaders. The Chicago Tribune reported that McBroom, during a city council meeting on January 16, said he wants wealthy families complaining about the crisis to host the invaders in their homes and plans to create a signup sheet.
“We do have a very affluent community, a lot of big homes, and what I’d like to do is direct staff to create a signup sheet for individuals that would be willing to house migrant families,” said McBroom.
“I think we need to find out who would be willing to house migrant families,” he continued.

"Seven-Figure Hole": Democratic Socialists Of America In Financial Crisis, Can't Afford To Hire "Capable Comrades"
The left-wing group, which counts Squad members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) among its ranks, is facing a “big deficit” and “a lot of talk about what to cut,” according to a trio of members of Bread & Roses, a national caucus of Marxist organizers within the DSA.
The socialist organization, which played a major role in pushing the Green New Deal into the highest reaches of the Democratic Party, is in a “seven-figure” hole that is probably “too big to fundraise our way out of,” the three socialist activists lamented in a Jan. 18 post on The Call, a publication of the Bread & Roses caucus.

Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of "Corrupt" GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her
In the recording, first reported by the Daily Mail, DeWit, 51, can be heard asking lake to name her price not to run.
"There are very powerful people who want to keep you out," he can be heard telling her in a conversation recorded last March.
He then, after asking her not to mention the conversation to anyone, makes his first offer:
"So the ask I got today from back east was: "Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?"
Lake is taken aback.
"This is about defeating Trump and I think that's a bad, bad thing for our country," she replied.
DeWit later framed it in a different way.
"Just say, is there a number at which -
"I can be bought?" Lake interjected. "That's what it's about?"
"You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you're doing," DeWit replied.
Lake repeatedly shuts him down, and says she wouldn't pull out for a billion dollars.
"This is not about money, it's about our country," she says (one her own recording, we're guessing).

Ukraine Indirectly Admits It Shot Down Large Russian Transport Plane, Possibly With Own POWs On Board
The Russian Defense Ministry accused Ukrainian forces of shooting the plane down with air-defense missiles. “By committing this terrorist act, the Ukrainian leadership showed its true face, disregarding the lives of its citizens,” the ministry said.
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry initially refused to comment on the incident. Ukrainskaya Pravda, a Ukrainian newspaper, initially reported that the plane was indeed shot down by the country’s military, but edited its article on the incident shortly afterwards to remove this information.

Chip Roy Calls on Texas Officials to Ignore SCOTUS Order Allowing Biden Admin to Cut Border Razor Wire: ‘Go to Hell’
“They have a duty under the Constitution… and every other norm of leadership of any sovereign state, to protect your citizens, period, full stop,” Roy told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.
“There is no exception to that.
“And if the Supreme Court wants to ignore that truth, which a slim majority did, Texas still had the duty, Texas leaders still have the duty, to defend their people.”
“It’s like, if someone’s breaking into your house, and the court says, ‘Oh, sorry. You can’t defend yourself.’
“What do you tell the court? You tell the court to go to hell, you defend yourself and then figure it out later.”

Exclusive: Sen. Ted Budd Proposes to Reverse Biden’s ‘Radical Environmentalist Agenda,’ Restore American Energy Independence
The North Carolina conservative said in a statement to Breitbart News, “Working Americans and small businesses alike are struggling with the high cost of fuel. At the same time, President Biden’s war on American energy has left him with precious few options to ease this economic pain. Instead of encouraging domestic production, his administration has begged foreign nations to increase their energy output, which increases America’s dependence on volatile international markets. He has also tapped our own emergency oil reserves to such an extent that we are no longer well-positioned to deal with the next crisis. The best way to lower fuel prices is for President Biden to reverse his radical environmentalist agenda and pursue an ‘all of the above’ strategy that gets us back to American energy independence. That’s what my bill will force President Biden to do.”

'Enabling Putler?' - UK Firms Have Insured Over €120 Billion In Russian Oil
The analysis noted that while there has been a decrease in insurance companies from the UK covering shipments of Russian crude, Russian oil transits still remain highly reliant on vessels insured in the UK for transport.
In the 12 months since the oil price cap was introduced in December 2022, €46.4bn of Russian oil has been transported on tankers using UK protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance.
The West of England P&I Club covered the highest value of Russian oil products at €20.1bn, followed by NorthStandard at €17bn. North and Standard insurance merged to become NorthStandard in February 2023.

Biden Admin Sued by Mother of Young Woman Murdered by Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member
In July 2022, 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton was raped and murdered during a savage attack by a suspected teenage MS-13 gang member who allegedly entered the country illegally.
The killer was processed and released into the United States by the Biden admin instead of being deported back to El Salvador.
Now that young woman’s grieving mother, Tammy Nobles, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security and insists that her daughter would still be alive today if DHS “had just done their job,” Breitbart reported.

Head of European Border Security Agency Says “Nothing” Can Stop Aliens from Crossing a Border – Says Politicians Should Show “More Openness to Migrants”
Hans Leijtens, the new head of the European border protection agency Frontex, told the Berliner Zeitung recently that nothing can stop aliens from crossing a border.
Leijtens also called on European political leaders for “more openness towards migrants.”
Hans may not be the right person for this job.
lol hes the eu mayorkas

WEF Mastermind: ‘Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God’
“But human rights are just like Heaven, and like God – it’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around,” Harari declares.
“It may be a very nice story,” he continues.
“It may be a very attractive story.
“You want to believe it but it’s just a story.
“It is not a reality,” he asserts.
“It is not a biological reality.
“Just as jellyfish, and woodpeckers, and ostriches have no rights, hom*osapiens have no rights also.

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Climate Lockdowns
And what was Dictator Hochul’s, I mean Governor Hochul’s, reason for this lockdown of close to one million New Yorkers that live in Erie County? Wait for it. Ready? It was going to SNOW! For anyone who does not live in New York, or who has never been to Western New York in the winter, that area of our state gets a lot of snow. Often. And yet, the governor thinks (all of a sudden, out of nowhere) everyone living there is so ignorant, they must be confined to their homes until she says it’s safe for them to rejoin the world again. Either that, or she’s just testing you to see how far she can take her totalitarian desires. Or both.
For all the keyboard critics who love to jump in and twist my words, I’ll cut you off at the pass and say that I am not admonishing a governor’s desire to keep people safe in the wake of a storm. That’s not at all what I am saying. If a natural disaster is approaching, people should be warned, emergency services ready to roll, and help made readily available. Encourage people to stock up, stay home, and hunker down? For sure! Forbid people from leaving their homes? NO.
There is a big difference between caring about New Yorkers’ safety, and wanting to control people. Huge.
And in fact, Hochul was banning people from leaving their homes even if it was NOT snowing! Sound unbelievable? It sure does. But remember in my article last week, I cited an ancient Greek philosopher, Heracl*tus, who fittingly said, “The truth often evades being recognized due to its utter incredibility.”

Connecticut Mayor Wins Democrat Primary after Allegations of Voter Fraud
This vote, held more than two months after the general election on November 7, was actually a primary election for the Democrat nominee for Bridgeport mayor.
And it was also the second primary election held this election cycle.
The first Democrat primary election was held on September 12.
In the original Democrat primary, challenge Gomes appeared on the cusp of unseating Ganim.
In the initial hours after returns came in, Gomes held a steady lead.

Truth Wins Out! 8 in 10 Republican Voters in New Hampshire Believe Joe Biden Is Illegitimate President – Similar Results to Iowa
With 84% of the votes counted, Trump is on track to rack up 174,000 votes. That is almost 45,000 more then he garnered in 2020, when he was still President. As I predicted, Nikki Haley received a slew of votes from Democrats who crossed over intent on embarrassing Trump. That’s a big fail. A vast majority of Republicans and Independents cannot stomach Haley. Much of the mainstream media is pushing the meme that Trump is more unpopular. Nope. Just the opposite. At least in New Hampshire, Trump is more popular now than in 2020 or 2016.
Oh… And 70% of Nikki Haley voters were not Republicans – they were crossovers who voted in the Republican primary to hurt Donald Trump.

"Your Short Has Been Rejected": Massive Stock-Lending Firm Processing Over $2TN In Transactions, Goes Dark In Cyberattack Limiting Short Sales
“We took immediate steps to secure our systems and are working methodically to restore the involved services as quickly as possible,” the spokesperson said.
“We are working with external cybersecurity firms and other professional advisers to assist with our investigation and restoration of service. Clients have been advised that this may take several days.”
Until then, however, anyone who wants to short many of the explosively surging most-shorted trash names is out of luck and will just have to watch them move into the stratosphere, before eventually collapsing.
After incessant shorting year-to-date, and just hours after China announced its short-selling ban, the largest facilitator of shorting stocks suddenly goes offline (sorry was 'hacked')..
if the chicoms have banned shorts their economy must have collapsed, also this is a novel way to manipulate the market

Technocracy: “Science of Social Engineering” Is Brainwashing
In Goudsmit’s book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, chapter two is titled “The Art of Psychological Warfare.” Fast forward 100 years since the birth of Technocracy, their strategy hasn’t changed. No thinking person would give these crackpot Technocrats a second thought unless they were brainwashed into going along.
Think about it:
There is an energy crisis even though there a abundant energy
There is a food crisis even though there is abundant food to feed the world
There is a water crisis even though about 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with it
There is an air crisis where CO2 is declared anathema even though it is necessary for life to exist on earth
There is a resource crisis even though there are abundant resources to support everyone.
i watched a vid where a researcher for congress answered questions about inflation after covid, he stated there was no shortage of materials or labor making prices increase as was the theory being suggested, instead the only change in costs was corporate profit increasing massively

Utility Bill Debt For Americans Hits Record As Heating Homes Now Seen As Luxury
The Biden administration has whined for months about the public's negative views on the economy, arguing that people are operating on "false perceptions influenced by right-wing media."
Most Americans have figured out that government officials and the corporate media have a habit of misrepresenting economic data to convince the public that the economy has never been better.
Last June, the White House unleashed a media campaign with corporate media to blast out the message that "Bidenomics" worked and the economy has never been better. But polling data from Real Clear Politics shows that despite the PR blitz, the president's polling data went down.

Wildest Inflation Red Flag: Vegas Table-Limits
The optimistic interpretation offered by the article is that casinos on the strip are successfully pivoting to cater to a higher-end audience and are raising not just table limits for games like blackjack but also the price of hotel rooms. But the disappearance of low-priced gambling options is happening at places far from the glamorous Las Vegas Strip.
And it’s not just table game limits where casinos are desperate for more money.
Even classic games are seeing their rules rewritten to bring in more dollars per player. While the version of roulette familiar from Hollywood offers 18 red numbers, 18 black numbers, a single green zero where the house wins, Vegas casinos now commonly offer roulette wheels with three zeros, massively increasing the house edge. The Strip is not the only gambling destinations where dollars don’t go as far as they used to with many casinos even removing table games as a way to respond to high inflation and labor costs. (Vegas is a union town. Pass Casino in Henderson and many Caesars Entertainment properties are among those eliminating or scaling back table games.)

Paving the road to civil war (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.