Nico Crashes My Birthday Party - Chapter 1 - AngelTwelve - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)

Chapter Text

"...I think I could do that." Nico Di Angelo sighed, the tension in his tired shoulders falling away. He stepped into the room through the fire escape, following Percy inside.

"Um... So what's your plan, exactly?" Percy asked, looking the tired boy over. "And where have you been? You look more... Well, dead than usual, Nico." He noted. Nico did his best not to sigh again, shoving his hands into the pockets of his aviator jacket, sinking into the fur collar.

"I've been busy. Looking for leads, exploring, like I said. Taking care of some unfinished business." The young boy practically growled. There was a darker-than-usual edge to his voice, and Percy didn't exactly like it.

"Okay. I won't push." Percy said. "But what's your plan? How can I stop Kronos?" He asked, feeling his pocket for Riptide. Of course, the sword was still there, capped and reliable. Nico shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't mean to be rude, Percy... But could I eat first...?"

"Oh!" Percy seemed to jump. "I forgot. Yeah, my mom and Paul won't mind. And Tyson is here." Percy smiled out, wrapping an arm around Nico's shoulder. The younger boy shrank again into his jacket, frowning, as he was pulled along by Percy.
"Mom, I lied." Percy called out, leading Nico into the living room. Paul, Sally, and Tyson were all still playing monopoly, as they had been when Percy left.

"About what, honey?" Sally said, looking up from the table. She had been smiling, though it faded a bit when she saw Percy with his arm around a new person. "Oh. You invited a friend for your birthday?" She asked, standing up.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention. I didn't think he'd be able to come, but this is Nico. He's, uh... A friend from camp." Percy half-lied. Sally understood that meant he would explain later, so she feigned her smile. Nico felt like crawling inside his jacket and staying as far away as he could from these people.

"Hi, Ms. Jackson." Nico squeaked, his eyes darting around the room. Blue and green streamers saying 'H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y' were hung over the kitchen entrance, and a big blue cake had mostly been demolished, with a tub of Neapolitan ice cream sitting half-melted and mostly empty next to it. He felt his cheeks flush; Nico realized he had just crashed Percy's birthday party with bad news. Percy introduced Nico to Paul and re-introduced him to Tyson. Paul was as nice as always, offering Nico a seat, though Tyson seemed to shift uncomfortably. He looked at Percy and blinked, as though asking for reassurance. Percy nodded, trying his best to smile wide to give his half-brother some confidence.

"Hi, Nico. It's nice to meet you." Sally said. Her voice was warm, like a nice day at the beach. Somehow it made Nico feel worse about showing up here and now. "Would you like something to eat?" Sally asked, looking between her son, his friend, and her boyfriend. Paul stood, giving Nico a warm smile.

"How about I order a pizza?" Paul asked, looking around the room. Truth be told, he had no idea how this kid appeared inside the apartment. The front door hadn't opened, the doorman hadn't called again and there was no way this skinny kid made it up the fire escape. Or maybe he had. On second thought, maybe Paul had heard the door buzzer...

"That sounds awesome, Paul." Percy said, ushering Nico into one of the empty seats. Percy cut up a slice of cake and scooped ice cream into a bowl, sliding it towards Nico. Paul and Sally disappeared off to the kitchen, Paul calling a local place off 38th to see if they'd deliver this late. Nico could hear Sally whispering about how skinny and frail he looked. His eyes were cast down at the table now.

"I'm sorry, Percy." Nico murmured.

"For what?" Percy asked, setting some plastic ware down next to Nico's slice of cake.

"For bad news," Tyson spoke up. "He is here to tell you the bad plan."

"I'm sure it can't be that bad, Tyson." Percy said, trying to keep the peace.

"No, he's right. It's not good. And I crashed your party." He added.

"You didn't crash it. I'm glad you're here." Percy said. Truthfully, seeing Nico brought him some relief. He didn't mind keeping an eye on Nico, even if he seemed to always disappear. It made him feel better; like Bianca was with him, just as she had been. Percy missed the way she had looked out for him during their time together, especially in New Mexico, and he realized how much she had cared for Nico. Somewhere inside, Percy felt that he was carrying on for Bianca whenever he was with Nico. That mattered to him.

"Hey, buddy," Paul said, leaning in from the kitchen. "I'm gonna go grab the pizza, since they can't deliver right now. Your mom is gonna stay here with you guys, but I'll be back soon. In the meantime, why don't you guys pick out a movie?" Mr. Blofis suggested. Percy perked up at that idea.

"Great! A movie would be perfect." Percy said. "Mom, could Nico stay the night?"

"Huh?!" Nico asked, looking up from the table for the first time.

"If that's okay with his parents, then I don't see why not." Sally nodded, setting down a glass of water for Nico.

"Um, I d-" Nico stumbled.

"Great! His dad said it was fine earlier. I'll get my room cleared up." Percy said, standing up and trudging off down the hall. Nico's face felt hot. For some reason, against his better judgement, he began to pick at his cake and ice cream, mixing the two together in his bowl, twiddling his spoon around. Sally smiled at him again, placing a hand on the back of his chair.

"I will help my brother," Tyson said, now smiling at Nico too. He got up and trudged off down the hall, following Percy.

"Nico, it's okay." She said quietly. "Percy needs a friend right now as much as I think you do... I can guess you both have been through a lot recently." She added.

"I... Yes, we have, Ms. Jackson." Nico sighed. "Thank you for inviting me in." He managed. Somehow, Ms. Jackson made him feel calmer. He believed her when she said it was okay; just as he used to with Bianca. His lips turned down ever so slightly.

"Why don't you pick out a movie to watch? Try and have a... Normal night. I know you kids don't get a lot of those." She said, walking over to the entertainment center that sat in the living room. She pulled out one of the drawers. "DVDs are in here. Percy's not picky. He'll watch anything."

Nico shuffled over, carrying his bowl of cake and ice cream that he continued to pick at piece by piece. He ran a finger through the DVDs, stopping every now and again to enjoy some more cake. It was practically too sweet, and Nico felt like a kid again, for the first time since...

"I was hoping you would give up." Bianca had said... Bianca's ghost. Why was he thinking about this now...?

"Percy has been worried about you, Nico. He can help. I let him see what you were up to, hoping he would find you." She said. Her form - her ghost was so sure, so confident. So strong. Even in death. Perhaps Bianca knew, Nico thought, that Percy needed his help, just as much as he needed his back then. Perhaps in the Underworld, she had seen what was to come. He knew he had to trust her... And Percy. In a way, Percy was all he had left of Bianca. She trusted him.

Nico eventually picked out Shrek. He had never seen it, but since he left the Lotus Hotel and spent time at Camp Half-Blood, the kids there were always quoting it. He wanted in on the jokes, but he'd never admit that.

Paul came back with pizza about 20 minutes into the movie, putting the two extra-large pies on the coffee table. In the dimly lit room, Nico sat next to Percy, Tyson sitting on the floor in front of them. Paul and Sally sat on the loveseat adjacent, holding each other as the familiar movie went on. On occasion, Nico would glance over and see Percy smiling. It felt nice... It felt normal. Nico sighed, his lips creeping to a tired grin. He sank back into the couch, pulling his knees up to his chest.

After the movie, and another slice of cake for Tyson, everyone went off to bed. Percy led Nico back to his room, where Tyson had crafted together a new futon for Nico, currently being occupied by a bunch of pillows more than a new mattress. It sat diagonal from Percy's bed, like a couch that looked out to the window sill. The silver moonlace swayed delicately and beautifully in the night.

"Tyson built this for you, when he came to help. Said it was a design from his Swedish cousins. Whatever that means." Percy said, motioning to it. "But before bed... What's the plan, Nico?"

"Oh," Nico nodded, looking in amazement at the futon. "I... Actually forgot that's why I came here." He said, turning back to Percy. "You're not going to like it. But it may be the only chance we've got."


"You need to swim in the River Styx."

"I'm great at swimming."

"Not in these waters, Percy." Nico chided. "I think that's how Luke managed to prepare for..." He paused. "Well, to be a vessel."

"Oh... I see." Percy placed his hand on his chin, his brow knitting together in thought. "Can I die?"

"Probably. As in, you probably will."

"And I can't just do what I normally do with water? Make it obey?"

"The House of Hades is different; the water there isn't under your father's to control. You might be able to harness it's power after you swim in it, if it doesn't kill you. But we have to try. If you don't... No one can stand up to him. No one is willing to stand up. Luke... Er, Kronos, I guess, isn't going to wait. I don't think we have another option." Nico explained.

Percy wanted to say, 'No, we have to find another way,' and also, 'Yeah, I got this in the bag. What's so bad about it?' at the same time. Truth be told, this idea was dangerous and terrifying. He did NOT want to go back to the Underworld. Not after last time, nor after the threats Hades had lauded at him. This was the worst possible plan. He didn't want to do it.

Nico could read him like a book. Percy opened his mouth to reply, but Nico relented.

"You don't have to decide now, Percy. But... Soon. We don't know what Luke has done, or what he's still willing to do. How far he can go. I want to help you..." Nico hesitated. "Bianca... She believed in you. And now I do too. And I'm sorry for the way I acted like a brat. I was scared, and tired, and heartbroken... And I know you're scared too." Nico sighed. "I'll be there for you, though. Because you were there for her."

"I'll think about it, Nico." Percy said, his face twisted with sadness. "Why don't we get some sleep?"

The night felt long. His eyes were open, glued to the ceiling of Percys bedroom. He could hear the occasional snore from the son of Poseidon. Nico sighed in the darkness, pulling the blanket up to his chin as he turned. He brought his knees up to his chest, tucking an arm under his pillow. This had been the most normal he had felt since leaving the Lotus... Or, really, since Bianca passed away. Before she had left, and joined the Hunters of Artemis...

Part of him - some part that was deep down, and filled with guilt - felt resentment. She had left him... He was just a little, little boy. That was only a year ago, now. And if felt like it had been so dreadfully long since then. She had left him to join the Hunters, to be free of him, like he were a burden. He tried desperately to see her again, to save her. When he went searching for her, Bianca hadn't even come to see him. She came to see Percy.

"I was hoping you would give up." She had said. He could still hear her ghostly voice, haunting his consciousness.

It hurt. It felt like losing her all over again. It felt like he was alone. He had felt so, so alone...
Percy said something about gray eyes in his sleep, grumbling about how pretty 'she' was. It pulled Nico out of his thoughts. He turned away from Percy this time, closing his eyes. Maybe he wasn't alone after all.

Nico woke in the morning, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Percy was still passed out, his drool making a big spot on his pillow. Nico smiled a bit. Maybe Percy really was just another weird kid. Maybe he wasn't so bad. Maybe Bianca had been right to trust in him. He got up, gathered up his stuff, and slipped into the shadows, leaving silently.

When Percy woke, he found a note on his bedside table. He frowned, trying to read it, though struggling.

Think it over. Thanks for letting me stay.
- Nico.

P.S. Happy Birthday.'

"Dang it, Nico..." Percy cursed, sitting up in his bed. "You know I have a hard time reading. What does a harpy have to do with birthdays?" He asked. It clicked. "Oh."

Nico Crashes My Birthday Party - Chapter 1 - AngelTwelve - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)


Did Nico ever have a crush on Percy? ›

In the fifth book, Nico tells his father, Hades, that he is holding a grudge that could end up killing the Olympians and the campers. In The House of Hades, Nico is forced by Cupid to reveal that he had had a crush on Percy Jackson. This reveals that he is gay.

What book does Nico say he has a crush on Percy? ›

Which is such a bummer, because up until the last book, Heroes of Olympus was so much fun! A watch out from parent to parent: In the 4th book, The House of Hades, the character Nico, who is 14, reveals that he feels same-gender attraction to Percy Jackson. He says he has had a "crush" on Percy for a long time.

Who did Nico marry in Percy Jackson? ›

Romantic. In 2019, Nico married his long-time boyfriend, Will Solace.

What happened to Nico in Percy Jackson? ›

Nico managed to rise up and break from his chains and defeated Minos, declaring himself the ghost king, causing the windows to shatter and Minos and his friends be summoned back to the underworld. Nico then escaped with Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

Who did Percy kiss? ›

Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart.

Did Nico ever kiss Percy? ›

Percy felt tears welling up in his eyes. No wonder Nico used to be so gloomy, he had gone through so much pain and loss and Percy had made it even worse. "Nico I'm so sorry," said Percy softly. "Shh it's okay I'm over it now, because I have you, it's a dream come true," said Nico kissing Percy on the cheek.

Will and Nico first kiss? ›

Will had kissed Nico for the first time in a moment of impulsiveness, something Nico didn't know Will had in him. The kiss had been just like this one, short and sweet. Then Will had pulled away, worry on his face, an apology tumbling from his lips. Nico had stopped him.

Who is Percy Jackson's crush? ›

Annabeth Chase

She dislikes him at first, but they become good friends over the course of the series, and eventually Percy confesses his feelings for her. Their relationship deepens in the Heroes of Olympus series. Percy imagines himself going to college with Annabeth and eventually marrying her.

Who is Nico's boyfriend? ›

Centring around the beloved character Nico di Angelo and his boyfriend Will Solace, the book tells the tale of the two demigods as they put themselves in danger in an attempt to save an old friend.

In what book do Nico and Will kiss? ›

Experience the first kiss between Nico and Will in "The Sun and the Star." The ultimate Solangelo moment that will melt your heart.

Who is Percy Jackson's girlfriend? ›

Annabeth Chase

Demigod daughter of Athena. Girlfriend of Percy Jackson.

Do Percy and Annabeth get married? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase.

Is Nico or Percy stronger? ›

Is Nico powerful than Percy | Fandom. Nico also seems to be more affected after using some of his more extreme powers than when Percy does—another trait that can be attributed to Percy's experience. While Nico is definitely one of the most powerful demigods out there, Percy is arguably the most powerful.

Why did Nico have a crush on Percy? ›

Percy was his dream come true, his imagination in real life from Mythomagic. Nico was also attracted since Percy was a son of Poseidon and Nico had always found pirates really cool. There are several other reasons, but these are the main ones as he revealed his crush to Cupid in front of Jason in Split, Croatia.

Are Nico and will Dating? ›

The Hidden Oracle

At some point during the ensuing months, Nico finally comes out and confesses to Will Solace about having a strong crush on the latter, and the two begin dating.

Who has a crush on Percy Jackson? ›

Throughout the book, it is mentioned several times that Annabeth is deeply in love with Percy and that she cannot live without him. She also thinks about their future at Camp Jupiter, which Percy mentioned before, and she states that she would like to die peacefully, after spending a long life with Percy.

Who does Percy have a crush on? ›

Annabeth. It's pretty clear that he loved Annabeth as far back as the first book The Lightening Thief. He described her as attractive and I think that's when he started having feelings for her. Percy didn't even like Rachel and doesn't now.

How does Nico feel about Percy? ›

Nico developed a secret crush on Percy, as he was "Nico's favorite game, Mythomagic, brought to life." Near the end of the book, however, Nico begins to blame Percy for his sister's death, making him much more cynical, but still doesn't let the Skeleton Warriors harm him, and "leaves Camp Half-Blood because of love".

What is the age gap between Percy and Nico? ›

In "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan, Nico di Angelo is a relatively minor character who appears toward the end of the book. He is introduced as a ten-year-old boy who is the son of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld. Percy Jackson, the main character, is twelve years old at the beginning of the book.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.