CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (2024)

Game modification: CK3 To EU4 Converter

CK3 To EU4 Converter





Supports CK3 1.12 and EU4 1.37


Steam workshop


This converter allows a player to take a game from the end of CK3 and convert it into a playable EU4 save, continuing the campaign. Produced mod is compatible with the EU4 to Vic3, EU4 to Vic2 and Vic2 to HoI4 converters, allowing the player to play a continuous megacampaign from Imperator through CK3 all the way to HoI4. This project is a successor of the CK2 to EU4 converter project.


  • 1 Features
    • 1.1 Requirements
    • 1.2 Incoming Savegames
    • 1.3 Outgoing Mod
      • 1.3.2 Map conversion
      • 1.3.3 Religions and Cultures
      • 1.3.4 Advisors, Rulers, Queens and Heirs
      • 1.3.5 Diplomacy, Vassals, Tributaries and Personal Unions
      • 1.3.6 Buildings, Development and Wonders
      • 1.3.7 HRE and Empire Shattering
  • 2 Frequently Asked Questions
  • 3 Quick Troubleshooting
  • 4 Versions and Change Logs
  • 5 Credits

Features[edit | edit source]

Requirements[edit | edit source]

  • Crusader Kings III with optional expansions, latest version is required.
  • Europa Universalis IV, with optional expansions, latest version is required.

Incoming Savegames[edit | edit source]

  • Converter supports compressed save games.
  • Ironman saves are supported.

Outgoing Mod[edit | edit source]

  • Converter will produce an EU4 mod.
  • Using the front-end, the mod will be copied to EU4 mod directory, located in the user's documents, usually C:\Users\User\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mod.
  • Without front-end (running the converter manually), the mod will be exported to the converter's output folder, and will have to be moved manually by the user.

Bookmarks[edit | edit source]

  • The converter ideally supports two starting bookmarks - 1444.11.11 and the date at conversion. Players starting earlier will have to wait for 1453 to begin with regular tech progression as technology during CK3 era does not change much.
  • Starting before 1066 will require the player to embrace Feudalism institution as it canonically starts at 1066.

Map conversion[edit | edit source]

  • Converter tries to alter the map as little as possible against vanilla. If a province is out of CK3's scope, it is left untouched. This applies to country histories as well - most out-of-scope countries will have a history (monarchs, leaders, advisors) identical to EU4 if they start at 1444.11.11 bookmark
  • For those countries inside CK3's scope, the conversion treads lightly, only updating necessary elements, e.g. which provinces are owned by whom and what should be local religion/culture/development.

Religions and Cultures[edit | edit source]

  • EU4 conversion supports mappings for most CK3 canonical faiths, albeit merging them with other religions sometimes. These religions are also compatible with EU4toVic2 and Vic2ToHoI4 converters.
  • Reformed and Custom religions are generated dynamically from chosen tenets and doctrines. As this is our first attempt of dynamically crafting EU4 gameplay, balance is yet to be tweaked.
  • Cultures have been expanded greatly, and CK3 cultures are not imported on 1:1 basis - instead they are split up. Italian can break into Tuscan, Lombardian, Umbrian, Venetian and so on, as the converter tries to emulate EU4 style of cultural groups.
  • Countries can be named after their Dynasties (though they retain canonical tags and have canonical missions and ideas), and some of these dynasties have custom flags. This applies to countries with cultures that support such a renaming.

Advisors, Rulers, Queens and Heirs[edit | edit source]

  • Ruler's councilmen from CK3 are available for hire in EU4 (unless they are too old for EU4 to offer them).
  • Rulers are converted ad-verbatim. If a ruler is too young to rule, a regency council will be set up for them.
  • Queens (or Prince-consorts) are also imported where possible, to help stabilize the realm at start.
  • Heirs are imported where possible. Since the converter does not have access to memory-state of a running CK3 game, it makes educated guesses for some of the more obscure succession choices, so please allow for a wrong heir or a lack of one that can occur sometimes.
  • Excommunicated rulers are imported as such.
  • Ruler prestige and cash are imported but at a logarithmic scale - starting as a relative unknown nets negative starting prestige, while those rulers staring at 500-1000 prestige or more will get a significant boost.
  • While starting prestige and cash are determined by EU4 itself, converter will give a boost of up to 100-150 ducats to wealthy rulers, and starting prestige modifier from -50 for complete unknowns up to +100 for extremely prestigious rulers.
  • Negative cash is not imported.
  • Alas, there are no loans to Jewish moneylenders in CK3 for the converter to import.

Diplomacy, Vassals, Tributaries and Personal Unions[edit | edit source]

  • For a christian ruler that holds multiple crowns (of same level), he will find his realm split into multiple states, under a personal union led by his primary title. The split occurs on de-jure basis, where territory outside any de-jure titles will fall under primary crown.
  • Non-christian rulers in the same situation will simply absorb the other crowns.
  • Large CK3 vassals, holding inappropriate amounts of provinces (compared to the total country size) can be split off into autonomous EU4 vassals at conversion, if the player chooses appropriate option.
  • Royal marriages are not imported, and neither are alliances. Unlike CK3, in EU4 diplomatic slots are few and with some of them already taken by vassals and PUs, the converter does not desire to choke the player's diplomatic slots.
  • There are no tributaries to be imported.

Buildings, Development and Wonders[edit | edit source]

  • The converter does not import any buildings. Only building that is supported at game start is the humble Fort.
  • Small countries (but not OPMs or microstates) will only receive a capital fort, while larger ones will receive a fort in every state or territory they mostly control. Player should delete the excess forts if these hamper the economy.
  • Unlike buildings themselves, development and building count does map directly against CK3 development. The more castle baronies that exist in a province, and more buildings inside each, more manpower development is received. Similar applies to cities and production, and finally to temples and tax development. Raw county development is also scaled and redistributed across tax/production/manpower.
  • A single building, or building upgrade is worth 0.25 development points in appropriate category. Holding in a barony is worth 0.75 development points, and general development is worth 0.1 per point. Players are advised to tweak these numbers themselves in dev_weights.txt configuration file.
  • Wonders are not imported as the current special buildings in select provinces are not actual wonders from CK2.

HRE and Empire Shattering[edit | edit source]

  • Entirely player's choice, the HRE can be kept unified or shattered into EU4-style microstates. If shattering is enabled (which is recommended), the converter will carefully choose which tags are to be turned into free cities and electors.
  • Elector ratio attempts to match vanilla EU4 - three theocracies (or substitute republics in not enough (arch)bishops are available) and four secular rulers.
  • HRE Electors from CK3 are preserved if possible - they need to hold elector duchies and survive the conversion process.
  • Which empire is to be the new HRE is also up to the player - player can HRE-ify Byzantium, Rome, or any empire they desire.
  • All empires on the map can be shattered into smaller independent kingdoms or duchies, in case the CK3 game was too blobby. Which specific empires converter shatters can also be manually set.

Siberia & Africa[edit | edit source]

  • Optionally, the player can clear out all insignificant tribes from east and west Siberia Regions, excluding Kamchatkans which are out of scope. For those playing Russian countries, this will marginally ease any eastward colonial expansion.
  • Unless a large country has already expanded into Subsaharan region, the saharan passes will be cleared to prevent premature expansion into the basin.

Frequently Asked Questions[edit | edit source]

Q: Is this the official converter?
A: This converter has been done by the same team that specializes in other Paradox converters: Imperator->CK3,CK2->EU4, EU4->Vic2, Vic2->HoI4, CK2->EU3, EU3->Vic2, Vic2->HoI3. It is not official, but it produces as accurate conversion as possible.

Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted?
A: Yes.

Q: What about mods?
A: Unless they change how cultures, religions or flags work, sure, use mods. Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder.

Q: How can I customize my game after converting?
A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the converter subdirectory. Scan through configurables/ folder and look into the myriad of configuration files - a great majority of these files is intended to be modified by users to achieve specific conversion results.

Q: Is linux supported?
A: The converter does compile on Linux, and you need to compile it from source it to run it. Clone the github repository + all submodules, and run If you already have ImageMagick 7 installed, delete relevant commands from the script. Also you'll need to export LD_PATH for the imagemagick libs so the converter can find them. You may need to export the path even when compiling and installing ImageMagick from source.

Q: Is OSX supported?
A: No, none of the developers has a Mac and we cannot do a port. If you have experience in coding and are willing to help us, we're always interested.

Q: I have found errors / bugs / glitches / wrong provinces / culture mismaps / religion mismaps / broken names /...
This is good! We need user input to see where we mapped stuff wrong. Please come to converter release thread and report any bugs. When reporting upload your ck3 save, converter's log.txt and describe in detail what is wrong. Screenshots always help. We fix user reported bugs as priority.

Q: I want to help!
We always need help. Not only for this converter, but all others. As they share the same pool of developers we're often stretched thin. We need experienced coders, with working knowledge of C++ and git. We also need modders willing to scour through our mapping files, verify the events, triggers, general data files and so on. If you think you could contribute, please visit our development thread and say hello.

Quick Troubleshooting[edit | edit source]

Q: The generated mod was in a different language than my savegame.
A: At the moment, CK3ToEU4 only guarantees English localisation, but German, French and Spanish are nominally supported.

Q: Some/all country names appear as X25, FRA etc.
A: This is an issue with the localisation. Only English is guaranteed, and you may be running EU4 in some other localization. Also, CK3 often lacks named and adjectives for various titles in non-English languages. We try to use English localisation when this happens.

Q: I do not see the converted mod in the launcher.
A: Click "Manage Mods" and then look for "Add More Mods" button in the lower right corner.

Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong?
A: Is the mod enabled in the launcher? If so, then EU4 refused to load it due to possible errors. Respond to the forum thread and upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt so we may debug.

Q: The country crashes upon selecting a country and pressing play (at map selection)
A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to the forum thread for further study.

Q: The game forbids me to select nations.
A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to the forum thread for further study.

Versions and Change Logs[edit | edit source]

  • 0.15 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (2) Orisa - Halfway There Release - 2024.05.10
  • 0.14 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (3) Nestorian - Byzantine Release - 2023.11.07
  • 0.13 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (4) Melian - Indominable Release - 2023.04.19
  • 0.12 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (5) Lollard - Friend or Foe Release - 2022.09.14
  • 0.11 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (6) Kush*te - Custodial Release - 2022.06.01
  • 0.10 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (7) Jain - A Very Cultural Release - 2022.03.02
  • 0.9 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (8) Insular - Still in Maintenance Release - 2021.11.11
  • 0.8 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (9) Hellenic - Maintenance Release - 2021.07.09
  • 0.7 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (10) Gayomarthian - The Compatibility Release - 2021.05.04
  • 0.6 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (11) finnish_pagan - The Norse Release - 2021.03.19
  • 0.4 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (12) dynamic_faith_102 - The Many Fixes Release - 2020.12.30
  • 0.3 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (13) Cainite - The Megacampaign Release - 2020.11.19
  • 0.2 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (14) Baltic - Just In Time Release - 2020.09.30
  • 0.1 CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (15) Adamite - First Barebones Release - 2020.09.27

Detailed change logs can be seen at linked forum threads above.

Credits[edit | edit source]

  • Comagoosie - Rakaly melter
  • Idhrendur - Sanity Checks and Review
  • IohannesIohannium (aka Mysterious_Italy) - Data Files
  • Elfangor - Data Files, Programming
  • Silver Wizard - Coding support
  • Zemurin - The Weave
CK3 To EU4 Converter - CK3 Wiki (2024)
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